That is a valid question. One that is not pondered enough and often results in a family member being thrown into a position of great responsibility without any direction or idea how they are to act or what they are to do. In fact, most people sign power of attorney documents naming someone, but then never tell them or have a conversation with that person about what will be expected of them.Read More
#FamilyFriday: Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO)
You’ve gotten divorce and have been awarded a percentage of your spouse’s retirement account, you’re good for now, right? Wrong. Often couples come to us years after their divorce to finally collect on their marital award. They want to file their Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) and collect but they’re realizing it may be easier said than done. Now what? On this week’s #FamilyFriday article, the attorneys of ERA Law Group, LLC discuss QDROs.Read More
#FamilyFriday – Can I Get Alimony?
Spouses take on various financial roles in a marriage. Some stay home, some work part-time while the other is the breadwinner, and some play equal roles. When there’s a large disparity in income, assets, debts, etc. some spouses fear life without the financial contribution from their spouse and ask if they would be entitled to alimony. The answer is maybe. This week’s #FamilyFriday article breaks down the road to obtaining alimony.Read More