Unfortunately, it is likely that you or someone you know has been a victim of abuse which may or should have resulted in a Protective Order or Peace Order. On this week’s #TuesdayTips article the attorneys at ERA Law Group, LLC want to explain the difference between Protective Orders and Peace Orders in order to help victims best protect themselves as quickly as possible.Read More
#FamilyFriday – How is Child Support Calculated?
On this week’s #FamilyFriday article, the attorneys’ at ERA Law Group, LLC want to explain exactly how child support is calculated. Frequently parents are confused by the child support calculation when considering their other bills and obligations. What many don’t realize is that in nearly all scenarios the amount of child support ordered is determined by a calculator and factors such as “I have student loans” or “I have rent to pay” don’t necessarily matter.Read More
#FamilyFriday – Can I Get Alimony?
Spouses take on various financial roles in a marriage. Some stay home, some work part-time while the other is the breadwinner, and some play equal roles. When there’s a large disparity in income, assets, debts, etc. some spouses fear life without the financial contribution from their spouse and ask if they would be entitled to alimony. The answer is maybe. This week’s #FamilyFriday article breaks down the road to obtaining alimony.Read More
#TuesdayTips – Filing for Guardianship
Many people find themselves in a precarious situation when their spouse, parent, sibling, friend, etc. are no longer able to feed themselves regularly, pay their bills, see the doctor, and generally not take care of their person or finances. When a person is no longer able to appropriately care for themselves or manage their property, it is important to ensure that they are protected. When a person will not or cannot voluntarily seek assistance on their own, you may have to request the Court to intervene in order to ensure their safety. Read More
#FamilyFriday – Contempt
On this week’s #FamilyFriday article, the attorneys at ERA Law Group, LLC are addressing individuals who have fallen victim to an ex-spouse or parent who refuses to abide by the Court’s Order. You’ve gotten divorced or filed suit for custody and support, the Judge made their determination and you received a Court Order outlining that decision. What happens when one person decides not to listen?Read More
#TuesdayTips – *CRASH* Now what?
You’ve been involved in a car accident. Best case scenario, you’re not injured. Worst case scenario, you are. If you or a loved one have been injured in an auto accident it is imperative that you know your rights and what steps to take to ensure maximum compensation for your injuries. On this week’s #TuesdayTips article, the attorneys at ERA Law Group, LLC want to help those looking to recoup after suffering an injury from a car accident.Read More